Life Gets in the Way

Why should you make fitness part of your routine? Well, how about the plan you made to get in shape? Every Monday you make another effort, but life keeps getting in the way… making it harder to achieve that goal of physical fitness. It might help to know that this struggle is not unique to any particular type. Everyday day life can become daunting, juggling a career and raising a family, as well as other responsibilities. Finding time for a fitness workout isn’t usually automatic and therefore it’s often the first thing to be put on the back burner, at the end of a busy day.
Remember the Benefits
However, if we think more of the benefits that being in better shape will bring us, it might be easier to make fitness a part of our busy routine.
Being physically fit is not just about conquering marathons in record time, nor is it only about looking your best on the beach — even though looking your best is a sweet bonus– We know getting in better physical shape can contribute to a longer and more fulfilling life. A healthier body benefits the mind and person as a whole! This is often seen in the renewed confidence felt in the ability to handle the daily stresses of life.
Make it a Social Thing
It may not be the easiest thing to do, but if it’s set as a priority, then we can simply make it another habit to get used to. Isn’t it ironic how you always manage to find the time to catch up on your favorite TV programs, “binge-watching” even; or we make time to hang out with friends? Yet when it comes to going to the gym or working out, excuses are many lists long! Consider making a plan to hang-out, by working out together. Just meet up at the gym or wherever your workout place may be. Also, you can even schedule or save your favorite shows to watch, while burning calories on the treadmill or elliptical. Time goes by… Cardio days in the bag!!
What Are Some of the Benefits
Why so much emphasis on making fitness a priority? Just take a look at some of the benefits that can result from making it a serious goal:
- Help to relieve stress, depression, and anxiety
- Increase your ability to concentrate, sharper thinking
- Help reduce blood pressure
- Helps control blood sugar level
- Lower the risk of developing colon cancer
- Keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease
- Helps to build muscle and maintain strong bones that also support joints
- Increases flexibility, which can help prevent injury and help with muscular tension
- Self-confidence boost
So before you shrug off your next opportunity to work out, think about all the benefits you’re already delaying, and then put it in your daily plan. Don’t think you have to join a gym to get these benefits either. With some creative planning, you can get a good work out in a variety of ways. You can take as little or as much time you need, and even make it a family affair. Yes, enjoy getting fit with your loved ones, friends, and co-workers in as little as 20 minutes a day, in a variety of settings. Just remember, it’s a long-term health investment and it’s up to you to make it as fun as possible so you can enjoy it for the long haul.
Make a Plan, Set a Schedule
It’s always a good idea to create a plan that you can stick to and then ease into a routine, especially if you are new to working out. An even better idea, if your budget allows, would be to purchase a few sessions with a personal trainer, especially if you’re a member of a gym. He or she would be a benefit to your progress and the ideal person to help you kick-start your plan, by setting certain goals and training you on the use of the equipment at the gym.
Starting off easy and gradually building in strength and increasing your endurance level, will yield better success than going ‘gung-ho’ first day out. This usually leads to muscle over-use and injury, which in turn may cause discouragement and validation to cross your fitness goals off your list completely.
So avoid the excuses-zone and make fitness a habit. Pick a time of day that works best for you and stick to it. Just keep in mind that it is not an overnight process. It takes time to get into a good fitness routine. Then, it’s pure commitment and consistent effort with a focus on the outcome, that results in goals achieved. It’s a matter of making the plan and following through!! Just make sure to enjoy the process while focusing on the outcome.
Good health to you!
'Leana H./@Yanna B'