6 Ways That Help in Finding Self-Acceptance

Being critical of oneself could be constructive if done properly, but negative self-criticism that leads to negative self-talk is destructive. Especially in today’s society with the multitude of ‘Insta-Models’, ‘Insta-success stories’ and ‘insta-everything‘, comparing yourself to others is almost impossible to avoid. But IT IS POSSIBLE…and it’s imperative that you STOP doing this if you are!! I say this because having confidence and finding self-acceptance, is one of the keys to true happiness!

  • Here are 6 ways I’ve found to work, that can help lead you to a greater sense of self-acceptance.
    • 1. Remember your strengths

    • We all have our own strengths to be proud of. Don’t let your current status in life get you down. Take a sincere look at yourself and consider what your strengths are, then work at developing them further. You will soon find that you have plenty to offer others and ‘the world’ to enjoy.

    • 2. Don’t get caught up in the ‘hype’

      First of all, trying to keep up gets exhausting! Then, some people, for whatever reason can be such a drag or just outright mean. You may perceive a certain friend, colleague, or associate as more successful than you are. Some you know may even be braggarts about their “success”, (whatever it may be), which makes you feel even less confident. If you can’t see how and where you can learn from these types of associates, then simply move on.

    • 3. Surround yourself with ‘the right’ people

      Tying in nicely with number two is the importance you place on your inner-crowd. Yes, surround yourself with people who facilitate your own happiness and self-acceptance. Associate with ones who see your worth and accept you despite your insecurities. It’s not that you only want ‘yes sayers’ around you, but folks who want to change you for their own personal agenda, are not good for your self-confidence and will not result in self-acceptance. On the other hand, positive associates know how to keep it real and this builds confidence and even long-term relationships that lead to happiness.

    • 4.Let go of regrets

      It’s very easy to beat yourself up over something you may or may not have done in the past. No matter how hard you wish, time keeps moving forward and we can’t go back and change anything, so it’s futile! Instead, try to focus on the present and how you can better yourself or your current situation. It’s 100 percent true that the only person you can change is yourself, and that is best started with a change in your mindset. If you learn to look at your past as learning curves that have transpired, then moving forward as you build your strengths, you may find more enrichment in life. This results in happiness and better self-acceptance as a reward.

    • 5. Practice being charitable

      This may seem unrelated, but implementing charitable habits whether it’s with your time, money, or any other personal commodity, can help increase your feelings of self-acceptance and self-worth. It might be difficult for you to see yourself as a good and worthwhile person, but being charitable is a nice way to remind yourself that you, indeed, are just that. Being charitable also reminds me of being thankful because when you’re thankful for even the simplest things, it reminds you of your own importance.

    • 6. Don’t wait to welcome the person you imagine to be

      Everyone plans on being something specific when they grow up, right? However, life doesn’t always work its way out the way we imagined. Perhaps your life doesn’t even look close?! The truth is, this may be the case for just about everyone, even the people who you consider to be very successful. This does NOT mean that you should wait to accept or welcome that person you previously imagined you would be. No! Even if it’s hard to feel content with your current circumstances, or feel that you are…” good enough”, it’s important not to dwell in the “shoulda- coulda” mentality. Your life is worthwhile and you are ‘enough! Make it a habit of taking note of your surroundings. You may see that there are plenty of reasons to be happy and that there are people that you bring happiness to. It will become obvious that you do matter!

  • Self-acceptance can be an elusive beast. This lack of confidence can lead to isolation and depression, but using these methods may help you to grow in self-confidence and learn to accept yourself for who you really are.

'Leana H./@Yanna B'