Health Benefits of Lemon Water

There’s no ‘one special time of the year‘, that we should take better care of yourself, so when it comes to doing so, you have probably heard of drinking more water as one of the best things you can do. However, if that takes some effort to implement for you, adding something to the water, such as lemon juice or lemon slices, may be a helpful reminder for you. Besides adding to the taste of your water, take a look at these different health benefits of drinking lemon water.

It Cleanses Your System

One of the top benefits of lemon water is the fact that it can help to cleanse the toxins from your body, making it one of the easiest and most natural ways to detox your body. Extreme detoxing isn’t always necessary to cleanse your system. Having a tall glass of refreshing lemon water every day will really do wonders as a gentle detox for your body. It also can improve enzyme function and helps to clean out your liver as well.

Lemon Water is great for Your Skin

You can also get some excellent health benefits for your skin by drinking more lemon water. When you drink lemon infused water, either with lemon slices or lemon juice in it, you get all that wonderful vitamin C into your body. This combined with better hydration from the water is going to clear up your skin and get rid of free radicals that often cause damage to your skin. Vitamin C can also help to promote more collagen production.

It may help with Weight loss

If you are currently trying to lose weight and get healthier, then lemon water is the perfect thing to start with. Not only are you getting water with vitamin C benefits, from the lemon, but you are adding to the flavor of your water. This, in turn, encourages you to drink more of the water each day, which as you know is important for weight loss. Lemon water can also help to boost your metabolism, especially if you drink a warm glass of lemon water, first thing in the morning, before consuming anything else.

Vitamin C is great for your Immune System

Speaking of the vitamin C in lemon water, this is a pleasant way to give your immune system a nice boost. All of the nutrients in lemons are transferred to the water, so you get those nutrients for optimal health. Vitamin C is good for your immune system, helping you to avoid the cold, flu, and various other illnesses. Try one or two glasses of lemon water each day for general health.

'Leana/ @YannaB'