20 Habits for Emotional Health
** Checklist #2
- ✓ Learning to feel confident and comfortable with yourself is an important habit for protecting your emotional wellness and safeguarding your well-being.
- ✓ When your self-esteem is high, you are less likely to be critical of yourself while also being less likely to take others’ actions or words personally.
- ✓ Being compassionate towards yourself protects your self-esteem and provides you with more protection from emotional dysfunction.

Mindful living to improve emotional health includes working on your self-confidence to boost self-esteem and improve overall feelings of self-worth.
An emotionally healthy person, with more belief in him or herself, is in a better position to see the world from a whole new perspective. A less critical point of view is taken on and as a result, you are not as annoyed by the little things people do or say… knowing that we are not in control of other people’s actions or opinions.
The benefits of high or healthy self-esteem are boundless! And I’m not talking about being a pompous “know it all” either, that’s why the term “healthy” self-esteem is added here. However, lacking it, unknowingly trap you in an uninspired life, often victimized by others. As a result, you may never learn how to truly reach your full potential. So developing healthy self-esteem by building self-confidence is a big factor in making this change.
Compassion plays a role when you learn to not let others ‘rub you’ the wrong way for silly reasons because we have the confidence to allow others the benefit of the doubt for their actions and words. Knowing when to be compassionate towards oneself, also plays an important role in protecting your self-esteem, and learning this early may help in averting emotional dysfunction.
Understandably, for some people this could be very hard, especially if they grew up in an environment was lacking in unconditional love and support. And since you cannot give what you do not have, it’s important to be patient with oneself.
An important key is determining your strengths, then focusing on and developing these skills and areas until your confidence grows. It’s important to test and challenge yourself in various situations during this time and do it gradually. Once that belief is strong, self-appreciation grows which bolsters your self-esteem.
Remember, it’s never too late or too early, to work on building your self-esteem. Your emotional health is too important to leave it to chance. Stay tuned to this series for my upcoming 30-day challenge if you feel you can use a jumpstart or a tune-up for that matter.