Are you part of the ‘Gig Economy’?

What is This Gig Economy?

With the many options to make a living in the health and wellness niche, among many others, I must say that I’m happily appreciating this new economy called the ‘Gig Economy’! Back in the day, if you said you were a consultant or freelancer, people wondered what was wrong with you? They also likely assumed you had problems getting a job or weren’t a stellar employee.

Not too long ago, consulting or freelancing, having five businesses at the same time was once looked at as a badge of honor. Fast-forward to today, multiple income streams it’s pretty much becoming a necessity! And it’s a fact that it takes innovative thinking, creativity, and shows how valuable an individual can really be. Many companies now look to these “ultimate professionals” to solve problems their full-time teams can’t. Or they save money by hiring “top-tier experts” only for particular projects. This new trend toward a “Gig Economy” is driven primarily by these “ultimate professionals”, aka entrepreneurs!!

It’s a Lifestyle

Working at home, at the beach, or in cafes, starting businesses with teams of consultants and freelancers you’ve met only online, and even launching business ventures, (some of which eventually may fail), all indicate folks with “initiative,” “creativity,” and “adaptability”. These are all very highly desirable traits in today’s workplace!! There is a growing recognition that people who value this flexibility and time freedom of work-play balance, often work at what they are passionate about. These folks are generally happier, more productive, and focused people who also usually deliver greater value to their clients.

Who are these people?

They are writers, editors, artists, and designers; animators, videographers, and sound professionals. First-time and long-term independent sales reps, health professionals, programmers, DBA’s, and Q&A experts; providers of office services and career advice.

It’s our friends, our neighbor, our kids, our parent(s), our pastor or local produce clerk, etc. And from the look of the ongoing trend, in about 5 to 10 years, it is going to be practically everyone. Are you ready to jump aboard?

Re-edited by: LeYanna Hood.
Info source: WIRED /Micha Kaufman is Co-Founder and CEO of Fiverr.